Who is Legal Professionals Union (LPU)?
The Legal Professionals Union (LPU) is a home for all legal professionals from Admin, and Paralegals to Lawyers and Judges, and is a place to share the best practices from our experiences in organizing and collective bargaining from around the country. IFPTE International staff in the form of organizers, representatives as well as counsel is on hand to assist in negotiations, grievances, and anything that may arises. Multiple new groups of lawyers and staff are currently in various stages of organizing with TULP around the country right now!
Who is the International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers (IFPTE)?
IFPTE is a member driven, nonprofit union made up of autonomous local affiliates in the U.S. and Canada. IFPTE fights for the rights of more than 90,000 people in professional and technical occupations-in fields such as engineering, health care, science, research, and law at diverse employers such as Boeing, Economic Policy Institute, ACLU, National Women's Law Center, Legal Aid at Work NASA, SSA, EPA, DOJ and the DOE, among others.
I'm a professional, what do unions have to do with me?
Coming together with your colleagues to form a union is about securing a voice at work and a fair seat at the table with your employer. A union brings together the collective strength of you and your co-workers to address issues of workload, hiring, promotions, personnel policies, and other terms of your employment. A union gives you equal footing with your employer to negotiate a contract that protects what you like about your workplace and improve what you don't. A union ensures professional dignity and respect in the workplace.
What does it mean to form a union?
It takes people coming together in the knowledge that All it takes to form a union is the support of a majority of non-managerial staff at your workplace. The process begins as staff work to share information, collect feedback, and build support among their coworkers for the union. Once a majority of staff have privately indicated their support for the union (either by signing an authorization card or casting a vote), the union is formed and negotiations with the employer begin.
How does the union work?
Your union si a democracy. Members have a voice in everything from electing union leaders like shop stewards, bargaining team members, and officers, to setting bargaining priorities and ratifying union contracts. IFPTE have staff and resources to help our members achieve their collective goals as professionals, as well as help with trainings, negotiations, legal advice, etc.
How does bargaining work?
Negotiations begin with current pay and benefits as the baseline. Members identify which issues are most important to them; areas that need improvement are often prioritized in bargaining. Negotiations can include anything that affects the conditions of your employment. IFPTE members have negotiated for:
• Salary and promotion policies
• Bargaining the Impact and Implementation of new policies
• Health care, retirement, and other benefits
• Weingarten rights (counsel during an investigation)
• Remote work, flex time, and overtime policies
• Vacation time, sick leave, paid family leave
As members of LPU, you will have access to IFPTE International negotiators and legal counsel to work with on formulating proposals as well as sitting at the bargaining table with you to ensure you get the best deal possible.
Will I have to strike if I am part of a union?
The decision wether or not to strike is always a decision of the workers themselves. However, we are a union of professionals, and we always try to solve disputes in a professional manner. If negotiations are stalled, or management is acting improperly, there are many other tactics other than strikes to escalate pressure for the benefit of the members.
Am I allowed to talk about the union or to union staff at work? Is my manager allowed to talk to me about it?
Yes, you have the right to talk about the union at work just as you could talk about the last movie you saw or what was for dinner last night. You also have the right to communicate with union representatives if it does not interfere with your work time. Management is prohibited from asking you about your union support or activities in a manner that discourages you from engaging in that union activity.
How much are union dues? What do they pay for?
IFPTE dues are 0.75% of pre-tax wages and aren't collected until after the first contract is negotiated and ratified through a democratic vote of the membership. All of our members pay dues through the standard direct deposit/payroll process at their workplace.
Union dues pay for:
• Access to IFPTE International organizing, representational and legal staff
• Access to legal, training, bargaining, and support services from the IFPTE International
• Membership to the Local, the International (IFPTE), and the AFL-CIO, joining the wider labor movement
• Access to IFPTE events and annual meetings
• Discretionary funds for events and solidarity activities
• Assistance if your employer violates your union contract